Mythos Tomes – The Black Rites
Location: Stored in an old shoebox beneath Janwillem Van Heuvelen’s bed in Cairo (The Black Cat, sidetrack scenario). Physical Description: Ten fragile papyrus scrolls, handwritten in cramped Egyptian hieroglyphics. Author: Luveh-Keraphf, High Priest of Bast. Researching the author reveals conflicting esoteric information about his role as an Atlantean priest alongside High Priest Klarkash-Ton, an alleged servant of Tsathoggua. Publication History: 13th Dynasty Egypt (1786-1633 BCE), part of the larger collection entitled the Scroll of Bubastis. According to Egyptian scholars, most copies of the Scroll of Bubastis excluded the Black Rites, which were held in secret at the most closely guarded temples. Exceedingly rare and protected by modern worshippers of Bast. Rumors speak of a possible Greek translation, which may be held in